Fall 2022 Hackathon
There's an ongoing debate about whether the pursuit of economic growth is at odds with sustainability. Due to the profit-driven nature of certain industries, the day-to-day goods and services are manufactured by unsustainable practices. Economic growth ultimately requires energy, but the fossil fuels reserves are finite and climate change is making extreme weather events the new norm. Meanwhile, the new era of blockchain technology demands even more energy inputs, posing further strain on the environment. In this year's hackathon, we encourage everyone to reflect on the meaning of sustainable development and seek to propose ways to avoid compromises between economic growth and the environment.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Speakers, Experts, and Judges
Team 15: GreenSource AI
Team 5: Earth
Team 21: Konvert
Team 8: Store to Pantry
2022 Hackathon Sponsors
Ralph S. O'Connor Sustainable Energy Institute (ROSEI)
JHU Materials Science and Engineering
JHU MatSci faculty and students continuously innovate - fabricating nanostructures, leveraging artificial intelligence and data science to discover new materials, and pushing the boundary of knowledge by peering at the structure of materials at the atomic scale using the most advanced characterization tools available.
A Level Captial
A Level Capital is a student-led venture firm that empowers the Johns Hopkins entrepreneurial ecosystem by investing in Hopkins alumni/affiliate-led startups. By cultivating a network of founders and leaders, they directly expose the JHU student body to the startup world, ensuring that JHU produces not only some of the brightest scientists and engineers, but some of the greatest founders and business leaders.
Hackathon Photos
At the 2022 Hackathon, we had a variety of professional development events, speakers, games, games with giveaway prizes, and entertainment throughout the whole weekend! And of course... lots of food!
Teams working hard at FFU!
FastForwardU hosted us in their amazing innovation space!
Saturday morning at FFU
Koren Pop Motion (KPM) preformed for teams Saturday night!
Judging took place on Sunday:
Some photos of the organizing team enjoying the weekend as well :)
And of course, we had to paint Jay!